映像クリエイター / アーティスト
Video Creator / Artist

大手企業のCMや企業VP、アーティストのコンサートで使用される映像、 さらには多様なイベント映像、ウェブサイトやSNS向けの洗練された動画、 街頭ビジョンで観る者を魅了する映像、デジタルサイネージに生命を吹き込むビジュアルまで、 あらゆるジャンルと媒体で映像制作を手掛けている。
企画・演出から編集、モーショングラフィックス、デザイン、3DCGに至るまで、 映像制作のすべての工程を一人で統括し、一貫性と革新性を兼ね備えた高品質な映像作品を生み出している。


作品の中に立体的な要素を取り入れることに専心し、 日々、新たな輝きと活力に満ち溢れ、希望とエネルギーの溢れる世界を表現した作品を創造し、 鑑賞者を魅了し、心に深い感動を与えることを心掛けながら、作品の制作に取り組んでいる。
さらに、3DCGソフトを使用したデジタルアートの制作や3Dプリンターなどの最先端技術を導入し、 作品全体にこれまでにない階層、奥行き、そして深みを加えた作品も制作している。




・Video Creator
They have produced videos in all genres and media, including commercials and corporate VPs for major companies, videos used in artists’ concerts, videos for various events, sophisticated videos for websites and SNS, captivating videos on street visions, and visuals that bring digital signage to life. From planning and direction to editing, motion, and production.
From planning and direction to editing, motion graphics, design, and 3DCG, he oversees all aspects of the video production process, producing high-quality videos that are both consistent and innovative.
He is particularly strong in motion graphics and video editing, and creates images with beautiful movements and effects.
The resulting video works leave a strong impression on the viewer and provide a moving visual experience.

A selection of his past video works are shown on showreel.

An artist who creates art with unique shapes and delicate lines in stunning and beautiful colors.
Dedicated to incorporating three-dimensional elements into his work,
he creates works that express a world full of hope and energy,
filled with new brilliance and vitality,
and that captivate the viewer and deeply move the heart.
These efforts are a challenge to renew the conventional framework of art, to open up an unknown world, and to explore itself.
In addition, he has introduced cutting-edge technologies,
such as digital art production using 3DCG software and 3D printers,
to create works that add unprecedented layers, depth, and dimension to the overall artwork.
Each work thus created transcends existing concepts of art, opens up new dimensions, embodies unparalleled uniqueness and design, and is imbued with innovative ideas and a clear vision.

Some of his works are available on his sales website.

Visit the website for artist here. https://art.shimo.ws/